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Toy Boxes for Christmas

Order your toy box gift for the holidays early so it can get to you on time
 please check the Toy Box
page for details


Faux Finishes

Faux finishes, decorative painting and trompe l’oeil murals are the tools to create escapes from the ordinary. The possibilities of transforming the walls, ceilings and other surfaces by changing the colors and textures, adding images or applying patterns are endless. It is fascinating to see how the mood of a room can be altered, or how a beautiful architectural feature can be enhanced, or how some unpleasant part of a room can be disguised. Price for 2 color combination is $3.00 per foot, 3 color combination is $3.65 per foot.

The 2 saints

The two Saints : Faux stone Mission walls.

Faux Fireplace

Top half of this Fireplace is just paint

Faux Walls
Faux Wall

Faux stone walls for a Bathroom.

Floor Detail

faux floors

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A wall with a view          20949 Lassen st #202 Chatsworth CA. 91311          Phone: 818-341-0481

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